The Love Song of Edgar Allen Poe

Let us go then, you and I,
To the Tomb of Ligeia, bye and bye,
Let us go to the Kingdom by the Sea,
The fish and chip shop of Annabelle Lee.

Let us go to the costal laundrette run by Lenore,
Let us throw open the windows and the door,
Dispel the gloom and evict the black cat,
Make a monkey of the ape asleep upon the mat.

Let us drink a draught of Hemlock a the House of Usher,
Where the décor is like the unquiet tomb, only plusher,
Let us imbibe at the Tell Tale Heart,
Let the parrots sing and the ravens play their part.

Alas, alas, M. Valdemar has come and I am at the door,
And I hear a melancholy chorus of black birds crying Nevermore.

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Filed under black humor, black humour, comic verse, funny poem, humor, humorous verse, humour, literary parody, Love Poem, Nonsense verse, parody, poetry, whimsy

One response to “The Love Song of Edgar Allen Poe

  1. anglogermantranslations

    The poet’s greatest fear on earth won’t come to pass.
    A drowned man’s dead when buried by the sea , alas!

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