Tag Archives: father’s day poem

Father’s Day

I’m glad I don’t have children and don’t celebrate Father’s Day,

So I don’t have to say I like the gifts that come along my way,

The starchy shirts, the puke-green socks, that stuff for cleaning cars,

And all the eager faces saying, Dad, we’ve bought you land on Mars.


I never have to feign delight at books about Top Gear,

Or have to eat what kids have cooked, a parent’s greatest fear,

I don’t get jars of after shave that smell of cat urine,

Or have to tell my eager brood that I like the tie just fine.


So, keep your tins of toffee bits and lotions to make me tingle,

For when you mention Father’s Day, I can safely say, I’m single.

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Filed under black humor, black humour, Cautionary tale, Father's Day, funny poem, humor, humorous verse, humour, whimsy

Father’s Day Blues

Why do father’s have their day, when it’s not the other way,
Why don’t they have a day for all us sons?
And instead of toast in bed, they bring us tea instead,
And take us to the bakers’ for cream buns?

Why don’t daughters get a shot, of their mater’s party frock,
And perhaps a hundred knicker for the bar?
Instead of flowers and chocs, why not a serious jewellery box,
And a decent Porsche or other motor car?

So, please, parents, have your day, take the flowers, booze away,
Sit up and have your tea in bed,
Then designate a day, to do it t’other way,
And buy your cards and stuff for kids instead.

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Filed under comic verse, Father's Day, funny poem, humor, humorous verse, humour